First Post and Introduction

Welcome to Sarah Likes Today!
The site will launch on July 1, but let's get this party started with a week of things Sarah Likes before the official launch!

Before we start, a few explanations about what this site will/won't be.

The site will include links to any items I talk about, if I can find them.  Some of the links may be affiliate links (links where I may get a small credit it you purchase directly using my link) but most won't be, and I will NEVER post something I don't love just to get credit for it. My desire for journalistic integrity is high!

The site will mostly talk about THINGS, but life's not about THINGS.  I'm not condoning gathering the most stuff, or spending the most money, or putting faith in objects.  I'll try to make sure anything I talk about is something that is cost-effective and/or makes life easier.

The site will include reviews of movies and TV shows, not all of which are family-friendly.  The site will also do a large focus on Oscar nominees during awards season (late December/January/February).

The bottom of each post will include "tags" so you can search easily for similar posts.  For instance, if I highlight an item that I love using with my toddler, you can click "kids" below the post to see other posts for stuff I love that helps with kids!

Comments on posts are disabled because I want to encourage conversation on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!  Join me there and let me know what you think of each post, and what things you like!

Thanks, friends, and welcome!